Major Depression

What is depression?

抑郁症是一种严重的情绪障碍,影响你的整个身体,包括你的情绪和思想. It touches every part of your life. 重要的是要知道抑郁症不是个人弱点或性格缺陷. Treatment is often needed.

一旦你有过一次抑郁症,你就有可能在一生中患上更多的抑郁症. 如果你不接受治疗,抑郁症可能会更频繁、更严重.

What causes depression?

Researchers are studying the causes of depression. Several factors seem to play a role. It may be caused by chemical changes in the brain. It also tends to run in families. 抑郁症可以由生活事件或某些疾病引发. It can also develop without a clear trigger.

What are the symptoms of depression?

While each person may experience symptoms differently, these are the most common symptoms of depression:

  • Lasting sad, anxious, or “empty” mood

  • Loss of interest in almost all activities

  • Appetite and weight changes

  • 睡眠模式的改变,如无法入睡或睡得太多

  • Slowing of physical activity, speech, and thinking OR agitation, increased restlessness, and irritability

  • 几乎每天都感到精力不足、疲倦或“行动迟缓”

  • Ongoing feelings of worthlessness or feelings of undue guilt

  • Trouble concentrating or making decisions

  • Repeating thoughts of death or suicide, wishing to die, or attempting suicide ( Note: This needs emergency treatment.)

如果你有以上5种症状并持续至少2周,你可能被诊断为抑郁症. 这些症状对你来说是一个明显的“正常”变化.

抑郁症的症状可能看起来像其他精神健康状况. Always see a healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

How is depression diagnosed?

Depression can happen along with other medical conditions. 这些疾病包括心脏病或癌症,以及其他精神健康状况. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to recovery.

诊断是在仔细的精神健康检查和病史之后做出的. This is usually done by a mental health professional.

How is depression treated?


  • Medicine. Antidepressants work by affecting the brain chemicals. 要知道,这些药物需要4到8周才能完全发挥作用. 即使一开始似乎没有效果,也要坚持服药. 在没有与你的医疗保健提供者交谈之前,不要停止服药或改变剂量. 有些人必须转换药物或添加药物才能达到效果. 与您的医疗保健提供者密切合作,以找到适合您的治疗方法.

  • Therapy. 这通常是认知行为或人际关系治疗. 它的重点是改变你对自己和你的处境的扭曲的看法. 它还有助于改善人际关系,识别和管理生活中的压力源.

  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). This treatment may be used to treat severe, 危及生命的抑郁症对药物无效. A mild electrical current is passed through the brain. This triggers a brief seizure. For unknown reasons, 癫痫发作有助于恢复大脑中化学物质的正常平衡,缓解症状.

通过治疗,你应该在几周内开始感觉好转,但可能需要更长的时间. 与你的医疗保健提供者保持联系,如果你没有开始感觉好转,让他们知道. 如果不进行治疗,症状可能持续数周、数月甚至数年. 持续治疗可能有助于防止抑郁症再次出现.

抑郁会让你感到精疲力竭、毫无价值、无助和绝望. 重要的是要意识到这些消极的观点是抑郁症的一部分,并不能反映现实. Negative thinking fades as treatment starts to take effect. Meanwhile, consider the following:

  • Get help. 抑郁是痛苦的,影响着生活的方方面面, including your relationships and long-term health. 如果你认为你可能抑郁,尽快去看医生.

  • 在抑郁的情况下设定现实的目标,不要承担太多.

  • Break large tasks into small ones. Set priorities, and do what you can as you can.

  • Try to be with other people and confide in someone. It’s usually better than being alone and secretive.

  • Do things that make you feel better. 看电影、园艺、参加宗教活动、社交活动或其他活动都会有所帮助. 为别人做点好事也能让你感觉更好.

  • Get regular exercise. Studies show exercise can improve mood.

  • Expect your mood to get better slowly, not right away. Feeling better takes time.

  • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.

  • Stay away from alcohol and drugs. These can often make depression worse.

  • 最好把重要的决定推迟到萧条解除之后. 在决定做出重大改变之前——比如换工作、结婚或离婚——和那些了解你、对你的情况有更客观看法的人讨论一下.

  • Remember: People don’t "snap out of" a depression. But they can feel a little better day-by-day.

  • Try to be patient and focus on the positives. 这可能有助于取代消极的想法,这是抑郁症的一部分. 当你的抑郁症对治疗有反应时,消极的想法就会消失.

  • Let your family and friends help you.

When should I call my healthcare provider?


  • Lasting sad, anxious, or “empty” mood

  • Loss of interest in almost all activities

  • Appetite and weight changes

  • 睡眠模式的改变,如无法入睡或睡得太多

  • Slowing of physical activity, speech, and thinking OR agitation, increased restlessness, and irritability

  • 几乎每天都感到精力不足、疲倦或“行动迟缓”

  • Ongoing feelings of worthlessness or feelings of undue guilt

  • Trouble concentrating or making decisions

  • Not eating or overeating

  • 反复想到死亡或自杀、想死或企图自杀( Note: This needs emergency treatment, please see below.)

Key points about depression

  • Depression is a serious, treatable mood disorder that affects your whole body, including your mood and thoughts.

  • 这可能是由多种因素引起的,比如环境或大脑中的化学失衡. Some types of depression seem to run in families.

  • 抑郁症导致持续的、极端的悲伤、无助、绝望和易怒的感觉. 这些感觉通常与你的“正常”感觉有明显的不同, and they last for more than 2 weeks.

  • 抑郁症通常通过药物或治疗来治疗,或者两者结合.

  • 有时候患有严重抑郁症的人会有伤害自己的想法. Tell someone right away if you feel this way. 如果你有自杀计划和实施方法,打电话或发短信988或去急诊室.

Depression: What You Need to Know as You Age

Get the help you or a loved one needs, 并获得应对和预防这种情绪障碍的最新专家见解.

Depression and Sleep: Understanding the Connection

Depression and insomnia often go hand in hand. 了解两者之间的联系,并学习如何识别症状并获得治疗.

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